Guidelines for oral and poster presentations

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

Each poster will be displayed from Tuesday, May 30 noon to Thursday, June 1, 6:00 pm

Posters should be mounted on Monday, May 29, between 2 and 6:00 pm.

There will be no guided poster tours but main authors are kindly requested to be present at their posters during the poster viewing session for discussions.

The posters have to be in portrait (upright) format and should not exceed the following dimensions: 85 cm width, 119 cm height (DIN A0).

Please fix your poster on the poster panel marked with your poster number. Fixing materials will be provided and distributed on-site in the poster area.

Flash Poster Presentation Guidelines:

Each author who have made the choice of the flash poster presentation will be strictly limited to 3 minutes presentation time. After this time the presentation will be stopped. Each presentation is limited to 3 slides. The Poster Flash presentation is only an opportunity to advertise for your paper.

The flash poster presentation session will introduce the poster sessions. 

Oral Presentation Guidelines:

The duration of oral talks is supposed to be 15 min plus 5 min for questions and discussion. Keynote Lectures and invited lectures are supposed to be 30 min plus 10 min for questions and discussion. We kindly ask you to keep strictly to this time limit.

The required technical equipment will be provided for Powerpoint presentations.

We kindly ask you to submit your presentation in the lecture hall during the breaks as early as possible (best the day before; at least in the break before your session).

Please note that a presentation from your laptop will NOT be possible.

Guidelines for PowerPoint presentations (oral and flash poster):

Please submit your presentation to the computer in the conference room via USB memory stick.

Please save all files associated with your presentation (PowerPoint file, movie/video files etc.) to one folder/location. We recommend saving videos and graphics and pictures separately on your USB stick. In case of problems we can re-insert the originals.

Presentation Format

  • Presentations should be prepared for use with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 in a Windows compatible format (*.ppt/*pptx) or Adobe PDF; there will not be any MAC equipment available. If made in another programme or in an earlier PowerPoint version, please make sure that it is compatible with PowerPoint 2010. If you use MS PowerPoint, we recommend that you save your PowerPoint presentation using .ppt/pptx format and not .pps/ppsx.
  • All presentations will be presented in a resolution of 1024×768 pixels (landscape). Please use high contrast lettering and fonts with a minimum size of 16pt and high contrast layouts like light text on dark colours.

Pictures / Videos

  • JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images. GIF, TIF or BMP formats will be accepted as well.
  • Because of the many different video formats support cannot be provided for embedded videos in your presentation; please test your presentation with the on-site PC several hours before your presentation. Generally, the MPEG-1, WMV and MPEG-4 format should work with no difficulties. The file size should not exceed 150 MB.
  • Movies or videos that require additional reading or projection equipment (e.g. VHS cassettes) will not be accepted.


  • Only fonts which are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows 10 will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout / style of your presentation.
  • Suggested fonts: Arial, Tahoma.
  • If you have to use different fonts, these must be embedded into your presentation.

Further Information

  • You can control/move slides during your presentation on your own (by remote control PowerPoint – please kindly check this in lecture hall in advance).
  • We kindly ask you to be at the session room at least 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the chair and familiarize yourself with the technical and other equipment.
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